People's Congregation of Shakers & Movers
Your Membership Makes a Difference!
PCSM Chuch is dedicated to promoting natural healing modalities that recognize the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and soul to the energy, vibration, and frequency of the experience of BE-ing on Earth.
We are all transient souls. Wrapped up in a meat suit we call a "BODY".
We all have our story. We strive to meet you where you are at.
Our intention is only to create safe and sacred spaces, where humans feel FREE to express their situations and curiosities to realize spiritual actualization.
This can come in many forms. This is the judge-free CHURCH. We are deeply devoted to healings of all kinds and are opened minded, our religion is as fluid as the tides.
Your donations go directly to the operational expenses incurred at our education and resource center where we host weekly events for our members and the community at large.
We are pleased to thank Irie Bliss Acres, LLC for their generous donation of 54.5 acres in Maine so that we can build out a 2nd chapel for funerals, weddings, and ceremonies of all kinds to serve our members.
Your support has enable our growth and development. We are very grateful and excited for the future.
Support Our Community
Warrior Support
25$Every monthPCS&M General Monthly MembershipÂ- Access to free Yoga and Breath work
- Supports Integration Practices and Soul Saturday
- Access to education and resource center, business hours
- Free or reduced admission to workshops
- Book out the PCS&M Chapel for a private event
- Reserve the Member's only Bliss Bus
Mission Support
50$Every monthFamily membership (up to 6 people)Â- Host your own events at our space
- Coaching, networking and support with like minded people
- Free access to astrology report, breath work and yoga
Yearly Member
250$Every yearMember for one yearÂ- Helps us plan our budget!
- Access to education and resource center
- Supports Yoga, and Breath Work
- Supports Integration Practices and Soul Saturday
- Access to Member Networking events and support groups
Annual Family Plan
500$Every yearFamily Plan for up to 6 Family MembersÂ- 4x yoga classes & 4x free breathwork classes per month
Benevolent Partner
800$Every monthRaise the Vibe - Charity PartnerÂ- Support Doula Scholarship Training for all genders!
- Sponsor development of non-profit yoga programs
- Leave your literature at our church
- Sponsor another Member
3 Session Sauna Donation Package
60$ÂActive Members Only. Get 3 Sauna Sessions.Â- FAR Infrared Sauna 1hr Experience
10 Session Sauna Experience Package
150$ÂActive Members Only. Select 10 Sauna Sessions.Â- FAR Infrared Sauna 1hr Experience
$25 Cash Donation
0$Â$25 Donation due at first visit or first service.Valid for one month