Ushering in the unique energy of Aquarius season sets our solar spotlight on individuation. Aquarius is concerned with the wellbeing of the collective, but not so much on the individual opinions of each person. This is because the frequency of Aquarius aligns with revolutionary thoughts and behaviors. Oftentimes, those revolutionaries tasked with seeing and embodying the new vision are labeled rebels or criminals. Not everyone can appreciate their genius. Aquarius does not want to surrender power to those attitudes or opinions. They’re outdated, counterproductive, and often, when we get down to it, fear based.
Aquarius challenges us to step away from the motivation of fear and into a place inspired by trust. That might sound simple, but it’s actually an incredibly radical and vulnerable ask. Trusting in that unknown future, the unpredictable aftermath, the potentially shocking and chaotic conclusion… that takes a LOT of trust. But leaning into trust leads us to truth. Aquarius is about finding the truth. Sometimes the truth of the past, the truth of what was before, is no longer the truth. We have outgrown those narratives, those understandings, and those traditions. Aquarius takes the structure and stability that Capricorn strongly supported and says “its time to be reborn.”
This Aquarius Season presents us with some special energies and opportunities, along with a big ask for patience. 2025 is the first year in over 200 years where Pluto will be moving through the sign Aquarius for the entirety of the Aquarius Sun Season. This incredibly transformational energy can be overwhelming to some: think of it as a Spotlight on Surrender. Power struggles aren’t going to serve us well right now. This is all about the art of seeing things for what they are and learning how to recognize our limits (as individuals, as communities, as humanity). These limitations take many differing forms: erroneous assumptions, overreaching authority, boundaries set in place for the sole purpose of “belonging.” It’s time to question all of it.
Questioning, reflecting, hypothesizing. These are all very internal processes. This Aquarius Season is an internal one for sure. We have an enormous amount of energy coming from the Aquarian realm: Alongside the Sun and Pluto, we have Mercury, the planet of thinking and communicating, transiting through Aquarius for much of this season. Additionally, dreamy Pisces is packed with planetary action: Saturn and Neptune both will be moving through the final degrees of Pisces, asking for discipline and patience around developing our visions for the future. And Mars, still retrograde in the sign of Cancer: a reflective time for this action-oriented planet. We might feel like ideas, viewpoints, and paths forward are unveiling themselves right now, and they are! But they’re not quite done manifesting. Mars wants that patient pause. “Wait, wait, not yet…”
So much of our culture focuses on “New Year, New Me” and the great rush to transform come each January. But that’s not what this energy wants. This is a contemplative time. A time for getting real about how you feel. A time for allowing the vision of your authentic path to come to the light. When setting intentions this month, be mindful of those intentions’ roots: are we setting intentions from a place of fear, or a place of trust? When we set intentions from a place of fear, we are moving in the direction of safety. But safety is not always moving us towards that higher path in life. Safety is not always free. Instead, shift to setting intentions from a place of trust. Trust moves us in the direction of truth, and truth is always free. Liberate yourself through trust: trust in self, trust in humanity, trust in the universe. Trust unveils the truth of our path forward. Intention without trust can cost you your freedom.
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