Coming in hot! Here we are, the energetic New Year ushered in by the Spring Equinox—the start of Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, the Cardinal energy of initiation within the live-giving element of Fire. The promise of newness lingers in the air, in the senses, in the mind. The promises of spring: wake up from the Piscean dream… abundance is coming.
This Aries season spans the calendar dates of March 20th through April 19th. As the Sun moves through the 30 degrees of Aries, we have some other key events bringing old themes to the surface—energies we have explored before in our lifetimes, depending on our ages of course, whilst also including some once in a lifetime shifts in the sky. We come into this Aries season with both Venus and Mercury retrograding in the fire sign already. Venus and Mercury retrograding in Aries ignite a fiery review of desires, relationships, and communication, pushing us to confront impatience, rethink passions, and reclaim authenticity in how we express love and truth. As March comes to a close, both of these planets will retrograde back into the sign of Pisces, offering some opportunities for visions to unfold as we gain clarity about what we envision for ourselves in these areas. The fiery urgency of Aries softens into a dreamlike reflection, inviting deep emotional reassessments, intuitive clarity, and a surrender to the wisdom of the unseen.
In the midst of Venus and Mercury’s backstepping dance into Pisces, we are to experience the beautiful New Moon in Aries on the morning of Saturday, March 29th. This New Moon is a Partial Solar Eclipse, adding an element of potentially unexpected fervor to our energetic experiences. Sparking a powerful reset, this New Moon Eclipse promises to ignite bold beginnings, radical self-discovery, and the courage to break free from old cycles to forge a new path forward. There is an excitability between the Sun and the Moon on this day, and the planet Pluto, this transformational powerhouse currently taking its long journey through the first degrees of Aquarius. While there is nothing urgent about Pluto’s transits (this slow-moving celestial body will be building themes and impacts through Aquarius until the 2040s!), we also see that the aspect pattern between Pluto and the New Moon is one of avid excitation. Tune into the energy of innovation in brought about by revolutionary Aquarius, as the bold new beginnings of the New Moon offer Pluto a place to expand its transformational impact.
With all the Arian promises of March, make sure you have your celestial seatbelts securely fastened because mystical Neptune’s grand finale on March 30th is a once in a lifetime show! Neptune is entering the sign of Aries as well—for the first time since the mid 1800s! Whenever we have a planet or placement ingress into Aries, we know that we are birthing a whole new story, as the zodiac cycle has moved from the final sign, Pisces, to the first sign. For The outer planets, these new stories more closely resemble a whole new era—one that reshapes collective themes, societal structures, and generational shifts. When an outer planet ingresses into Aries, it sparks a profound initiation, setting the stage for pioneering advancements, radical reinvention, and a fearless push toward the future. With Neptune, we know we are talking about the topic of spirituality, transcendence, consciousness itself. The age of the Spiritual Warrior is upon us!
As Mercury stations direct in Pisces on April 7th, followed by Venus’s station April 12th, clarity begins to emerge from the haze, allowing us to integrate the deep emotional and spiritual lessons of their retrogrades. When both planets re-enter Aries and join Neptune, the dream ignites into action—our visions, desires, and words surge forward with renewed passion, ready to shape a bold new reality in the fire of Aries season.
If you aren’t quite ready to wake from the slumber of Pisces Sun Season and this winter’s introspection, don’t fret! Aries season will soon shake the dream from your eyes—awakening action, courage, and the undeniable call to step boldly into what’s next.
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