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Capricorn Season: Intensity, Discipline, and Some Wildcard Energy for the New Year - Jenna Lowe, Frequency Astrology

It’s the holiday season, and the universe is overflowing with abundant gifts for all to receive! These gifts are coming to us through the opportunities of the celestial frequencies, and they’re coming with a lot of intensity.

Leading up to the holidays of December 25th, we have Saturn squaring Jupiter. Gemini Jupiter might mean some big news, or an opportunity for growth and expansion, coming into friction with Saturn, asking for discipline and boundaries. Are there offers on the table? Decisions to be made? What about shifts or changes around big stories in our lives? We need to not shy away from tough conversations, perhaps feeling a pull to reach out to people with an extra dose of Saturnian maturity.

On the 25th, the Moon is in Scorpio, a sensitive sign of intensity and depth. Scorpio seems to be able to read between the lines and see below the surface almost effortlessly, not shying away from taboo or occult topics, thoughts, or conversations. This Scorpio Moon will be creating an aspect pattern called a T square, with Aquarius Pluto and Cancer Mars at the corners of the opposition. The tension between our inner world, or past actions and experiences, and the power of our emotional memories is being pulled to the surface. There could be a lot of intense conversations at gatherings regarding difficult topics: intimacy, death, loss, endings, letting go. Perhaps some will experience the wounding of their psyche being triggered, having to navigate heavy emotional undercurrents as we celebrate the holidays.

Any emotional pain or exhaustion of the 25th could seriously benefit from the 26th’s Mercury opposing Jupiter: new information, new clarity, new conclusions and epiphanies. These most definitely could be building on the experiences of the 25th or could pertain to something entirely different. What if things aren’t settling into place and you still feel ungrounded? Take a pause. Give the energy a chance to synthesize and integrate: the Moon moves into Sagittarius on Friday the 27th: Perhaps the heart is requiring that expansive energy to truly integrate the wisdom of these transits.

Before we open up to the post-holiday forecast… a quick astronomy lesson!

If we project the Earth’s equator out into space, that imaginary plane is called the “celestial equator.” The Sun crosses this plane at the Spring Equinox as well as The Fall equinox… At the Winter and Summer Solstices, the Sun is at its most extreme distance from the celestial equator, roughly 23.5 degrees above (Summer) or below (Winter) that plane in space. This is due to the tilted axis of the Earth. The Sun is bound to these extremes, and the degree to which the sun resides above or below this plane is called its declination.

Planets have declinations too. However, planets aren’t restricted to the same 23.5 degrees that the Sun is. When a planet’s position moves outside of this window, it is called being “Out Of Bounds.” This quick astronomy lesson is pertinent to the Capricorn Season forecast because we have not 1, not 2, but 3 planets experiencing Out Of Bounds positions in the next month.

What does that mean?! Well, think of the Sun as the ruler of the solar system. Ruling the sign Leo, we can equate the Sun with the King. When planets move outside of the King’s territory, it’s as if they’re no longer under the guise of the ruler. They are out of sight, and thus can and will act out of control. Going wild, breaking the rules, taking things to an extreme.

We will be experiencing the Moon moving Out Of Bounds starting on December 27th in the sign Scorpio. On the evening of December 30th, we have the New Moon in Capricorn, and an extremely Out Of Bounds configuration: over 28 degrees. This adds a huge dose of unpredictability to our New Moon experience. As we shift into this fresh lunar cycle, we could feel inexplicably pushed to break out from social constructs, taking bold actions, and perhaps acting eccentric or unpredictable, surprising even ourselves! Shortly after the New Moon, the Moon moves back under the watchful eye of the Sun—but not for long! On January 10th, we are back in Out of Bounds territory, and the Moon will remain there for the Full Moon in Cancer on January 13th.

Wait, wait, there’s more! Not only is the emotional intuitive Moon spicing things up with its rebellious flavor… Mercury and Mars are both joining the party this Capricorn Season. Mars moves Out Of Bounds just after the New Moon on December 30th and will remain at this wild declination for the rest of this Sun season. Mercury is last to the party, moving Out Of Bounds on January 9th. With all the circumstances at hand, our Full Moon January 13th will have all three of these deeply personal planets exerting outlandish energy! Mars, the planet of courageous action, might push us to challenge our fears in ways we weren’t exactly planning, while Mercury might have us communicating in bizarre ways, or very much thinking outside the box.

As if three planets poised for zany action wasn’t enough, the aspects these wildcards are making seal the deal on "expect the unexpected," internally as well as out in the world. Out Of Bounds Mars is going to be conjunct the Out Of Bounds Moon in Cancer, creating a super planet, merging emotional rebirth with necessary action. Out Of Bounds Mercury will be in the sign Capricorn, the Sun’s current sign, aligning our intellectual processes with the serious focus and driven determination of Capricorn Sun season. Don't be surprised if you feel justified in acting, speaking, or embodying the phrase "out of this world."

This Full Moon will be one for the books! It could be incredibly wild and unpredictable. In order to navigate these energies as effectively as possible, remember your grounding practices, stay mindful and in the moment, and reserve judgement of self and others.

Happy Capricorn Season, one and all!

Interested in looking into your own natal chart (the "map of your soul's evolutionary intentions"), or exploring an individualized approach to how the energies in the sky are impacting you? Information for offerings and how to book can be found on Frequency Astrology's website!


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