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Pisces Season and the Call for Stillness - Jenna Lowe, Frequency Astrology

This dreamy Sun season starts off with a very potent synthesis of energy that will be all but impossible to ignore. We have so many planets supporting Piscean energy to really dig into the depths of consciousness.


Pisces is the zodiac sign ruled by both expansive Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, and mystical Neptune, the planet of consciousness. Having the Sun shining its light into the subconscious realm for the next 30 days supports a level of self-inquiry that enthusiastically invites even the most emotionally stagnant beings to engage. A huge part of our Pisces Sun Season story this year will center around Mars, and its current transit through fellow water sign, Cancer. Mars can have a hard time with Cancer energy, as Mars tends to be very action oriented, and Cancer is promoting taking action in the realm of nurturing and emotional processing. Martian energy develops our courage; sometimes emotional exploration requires the highest level of courage available. This isn’t a “new” sign for Mars, having been working through this energy for most of Fall 2024, then briefly transiting through Leo near the holidays before retrograding back into Cancer for the start of the New Year. That’s a heck of a lot of Martian time spent encouraging courageous emotional exploration! But now, we are at a crescendo, as Mars slows to a station at 17° Cancer, focused on creating some sort of epiphanic Grand Finale. What a way to kick off the Pisces Sun season 2025!


While Mars’s heavy energy definitely has lots of people feeling emotionally activated, additionally vulnerable, or generally sensitive, Venus’s current transit through Aries is awakening even more passion. When Venus, the planet of balance, love, and serenity, transits through Aries, it can ignite within us an intense desire to restore equilibrium through any means necessary. Though well intentioned, this warrior energy coupled with Mars in Cancer can lead us to feeling a bit explosive during this time. Whether those explosions are taking place within our relationships, within our minds, or deep within the depths of our soul, the energy will find a way to express itself. Synthesizing this energy, there is a call to truly be present, deeply feeling into our emotional truths, honoring what our inner selves need most. Are you finding time to be intentionally present? Meditating? Resting? Allowing stillness? All of these calming actions will help these energies to flow through us more effortlessly; without a more intentional slow down, some of us might experience this energy DEMANDING a slowdown. Experiences ranging from accidents to sicknesses, brain fog and forgetfulness… the energy will find a way to express itself, get your attention, insist that you pause. It’s time to hit the brakes. To do wo willingly is going to be the more comfortable path. To be willful might feel closer to hitting a brick wall than smooth engagement of your brake pedal.


On top of these more fast-moving trigger planets, we are in unique time with regards to some large themes of our lifetime wrapping up. This is the final Pisces Sun season where Neptune will also be transiting through Pisces for the lifetimes of everyone on this planet. As the Sun highlights this mystical energy, Neptune’s vision for our consciousness has ripened, bracing for its energetic birthing of the Spiritual Warrior: Neptune in Aries, coming this March. With disciplined Saturn also in Pisces, these two outer planets have been slowly brewing a new vision for quite some time. In many ways, this energetic project began the last time Neptune initiated Arian movement through the Zodiac: in the year 1861! That means the shared consciousness of humanity has been incubating a new understanding, a new spiritual awareness, a new mystical identity since as far back as the time of the Civil War. What a gift to be here on Earth, bearing witness to and taking part in this grand unveiling!


So…what does stillness look like for you? What meditative practices support you being present in your day? Present in your emotions? Connected with your truth? These are simple prompts to help us connect with our complex emotional needs this season. It is imperative that we fully honor our emotional experience, enabling us to digest these experiences into wisdom. Affirm your power, assert your worth, practice selflove by making space for these pauses in life. That’s when Neptune and Jupiter can work together to seamlessly promote our individual understanding of our unique needs, desires, and visions for soul-retrieval, separate from the hustle and bustle of ego and earth-bound concerns.

Blessings for a tranquil, soul-enriching Pisces Sun Season!

Interested in looking into your own natal chart (the "map of your soul's evolutionary intentions"), or exploring an individualized approach to how the energies in the sky are impacting you? Information for offerings and how to book can be found on Frequency Astrology's website!


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 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri: 11am-6pm,​​ Saturday: 12pm-3pm, ​


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