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Sagittarius Season: I Can Buy Myself Flowers -Jenna Lowe, Frequency Astrology

As of today, Thursday November 21st, the expansive energy of Sagittarius season is upon us! When the Sun transits through Sagittarius each year, we are being called to say “yes.” Sagittarius wants the fulfillment attained from stretching horizons, internally and externally, mentally and physically, intellectually and cross-culturally. How can you welcome a sense of Sagittarian adventure into your life in the next month? Seize the day! Times 30!

Sagittarius’s ruling planet, Jupiter, is full of optimism. Currently, Jupiter is retrograding through Gemini, which will inform the energy of this Sagittarius season. This Jupiter is calling for curious reflection, with an almost endless capacity for gathering information, experiences, and mental stimulation. These could be very internal processes, as retrograde planets are all about revising, revisiting, reassessing, and rethinking. Are you feeling called to investigate established areas in your life, be it your own knowledge and understanding of situations, or perhaps your mentors’ and teachers’ philosophical ideologies? Are you feeling called to challenge the way things “have always been?” Ready to let go of people, places, thought patterns or behaviors that are holding you back?

This reflective period of Jupiter will be reenforced starting next week, as Mercury begins its retrograde through the sign of Sagittarius as well. This Mercury retrograde period is the third and final Mercury retrograde of the calendar year, all of which have taken place in fire signs (entirely through Aries in April and then mostly through Leo in August). This year’s Mercury retrograde opportunities have thus centered around reflective work regarding our drive to live courageously, thrive unabashedly, and expand unapologetically. Reflection allows growth. After all, experience must be digested honestly and humbly, an opportunity made available to us in planetary retrogrades, before experience can transform into true wisdom.

In the next month, lets expand through intelligent contemplation. We have so many planets on our side calling us to build and revolutionize: Saturn now moving direct in Pisces calling us to build or dreams, and Pluto famously entering Aquarius calling for radical transformation. This Sagittarius season offers us so much energy for progress. It’s up to us to decide where best to apply this buoyant energy. Perhaps things don’t feel as crystal clear to you just yet— fret not! We have one more celestial giant moving from retrograde motion to direct motion this season: Neptune on December 7th. Neptune is a visionary, the planet of consciousness itself. If things aren’t feeling clear yet, Neptune could be acting as a bit of a trickster, clouding the mind with uncertainty, deception or illusion. As Neptune turns retrograde, we will feel the tension ease up on our internal world, allowing us to tap into our intuition and mystical self-knowledge. All the answers lie within— you are your own Guru! It’s just a matter of tapping into your own Saggitarian limitlessness, and you too can be as eternally hopefully and energetically abundant and Jupiter itself!

Interested in looking into your own natal chart (the "map of your soul's evolutionary intentions"), or exploring an individualized approach to how the energies in the sky are impacting you? Information for offerings and how to book can be found on Frequency Astrology's website!


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63 Washington Street, Weymouth, MA 02188

 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri: 11am-6pm,​​ Saturday: 12pm-3pm, ​


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