(This is the second installment of a three-part series)

After the inevitable “settling down” in our late 20s/early 30s, we tend to focus on an externalized perspective of what we “should” be doing with our life. For many of us, our 30s are a time of looking at ourselves through the lens of what we think we’re supposed to be doing, where we strive to have the white picket fence, the perfect little children; where we climb the corporate ladder and otherwise lean towards a more conventional, socially-acceptable, and fit-in-the-mold approach.
But then, in our mid-40s, something shifts. Suddenly, we stop caring so much about what people think. We realize that all of that striving to be perfect and to fit in a box is exhausting and, ultimately, pointless. We start to feel an upswell from within, this often-sudden desire to find some freedom again, to find passion and purpose and to throw off all of the restraints of conventionality.
Our culture calls this a “mid-life crisis.” And if we aren’t careful, that can be precisely what happens! But astrologically speaking, it makes perfect sense. If we use the foresight of astrology, we can anticipate Uranus Opposition with open minds and arms, welcoming its lessons and evolving alongside them.
What is the significance of Uranus in the natal chart?
Uranus is the only planet to rotate on its side. This is the perfect metaphor for what it represents: rebellion, uniqueness, even eccentricity. Where Saturn adds structure and form to our lives, Uranus adds an electric freedom, a desire to break the very mold that Saturn stands for, and shows us where we can expect the unexpected in our lives. Sometimes it is difficult, as an astrologer, to even describe what could happen when it comes to Uranus - the only thing we can rely on is its unpredictability! Uranus rules the sign of Aquarius and is resonant with the 11th House of the zodiac.
The sign Uranus is in at the moment of our birth will tell us how we tend to relate to unpredictability and unexpected occurrences in our lives.
The house Uranus is in tells us what areas in life we will encounter the unexpected and unpredictable.
Look up Uranus in your natal chart and complete this sentence: “I feel I need freedom and welcome the unexpected in…”
Uranus in Aries/1st: matters of fighting for what I believe in
Uranus in Taurus/2nd: matters of money and self-care
Uranus in Gemini/3rd: matters of communication and observation
Uranus in Cancer/4th: matters of family and caretaking
Uranus in Leo/5th: matters of creative self-expression
Uranus in Virgo/6th: matters of daily routine and health
Uranus in Libra/7th: matters of relationships and collaboration
Uranus in Scorpio/8th: matters of hidden motives and psychology
Uranus in Sagittarius/9th: matters of higher learning and adventure
Uranus in Capricorn/10th: matters of career and reputation
Uranus in Aquarius/11th: matters of the collective well-being
Uranus in Pisces/12th: matters of spirituality and unconditional love
What is the significance of the Uranus Opposition?
As Uranus moves through the zodiac, it transits through all twelve signs and houses over the course of approximately 84 years (as it is much further away from the Sun than Saturn, which takes about 29 years). The Uranus Opposition, around age 42, is when it comes to a point of opposition with the position it was at the moment of our birth.
As Robert Hand puts it in his book, Planets in Transit, “This is the crisis of middle age when you have to come to terms with a number of realizations that may not all be pleasant… Consequently you may begin to act disruptively and quickly. You may leave a marriage or an old job and take up a lifestyle quite different from your earlier one. From now on you will turn your experiences inward and recreate – make something new of – yourself.”
Many astrologers call the Uranus Opposition the time when our kundalini - a yogic term for a powerful energy that resides coiled at the base of our spine - naturally rises. It makes us feel restless and impulsive, but also powerful and magnetic. How we integrate this energy is of paramount importance.
Like any of the three transits we discuss here, the Uranus Opposition does not necessitate a breakdown or a massive change occurs. If we pay attention to the bigger picture, and make choices accordingly, we will come to this time in our lives with a flexibility and openness that will allow it to integrate without much friction.
Stay tuned in 2 weeks for the next installment of this 3-part series: The Chiron Return!